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Name the International Space Station

Grade:3-5, 6-8

Brief Description
Students explore the International Space Station, suggest appropriate names for the station, and vote for the most popular name.


Students learn about the International Space Station and discover the scientific development and international teamwork resulting from its construction and operation.


space station, space exploration, international cooperation

Materials Needed

Print or online resources about the International Space Station -- possible online resources include
Inside the Space Station,
Space Station Location
NASA Human Spaceflight
Space Station Fact Sheet

Lesson Plan

  • Ask students to explore print and online resources about the International Space Station and complete the Space Station Fact Sheet.
  • Organize students into groups, and ask each group to suggest a name for the space station, based on what they have learned.
  • Ask a volunteer from each group to present the suggestion to the class and explain why the group chose the name.
  • Have the class vote on the suggestions and choose a single name for the space station.
  • Invite students to e-mail the winning name to NASA and ask for feedback.


Evaluate students on their fact sheet answers.

Answers to Space Station Fact Sheet
1. gravity; 2. United States, Russia, Japan, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Canada, and Brazil; 3. 108.5 meters or 356 feet wide, 88.4 meters or 290 feet long, and 43.6 meters or 143 feet tall; 4. the moon and Mars; 5. Robotic arm, Canada hand, and robotic roving eye.

Lesson Plan Source

Education World

Submitted By

Linda Starr

National Standards

