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Crisscrossing the Country:
Learn About Famous Places (#2)



  • Civics
  • Geography
  • Government
  • U.S. History


  • 3-5
  • 6-8
  • 9-12

Brief Description

Students learn the history behind some famous U.S. landmarks. The student work sheet is provided.


Students use the National Parks Service's online search engine to answer questions about ten famous places in the United States. (Note: Students will not find answers to questions on the first page of the provided resource; students will need to go to linked pages to find the answers to the questions.)


landmark, monument, national park

Materials Needed

computers with Internet access or printed material from the Web sites that are part of this activity (This activity might also be done using library resources, but Internet access is preferable.)

Lesson Plan

Print out the student work sheet for students to use in completing this activity.


Students will correctly answer at least eight of the ten questions. ANSWER KEY: 1. 160 acres; 2. April 15, 1865; 3. 22,726 soldiers were killed or wounded; 4. 1879; 5. the conning tower (which stands on the deck) of one of the Japanese midget subs; 6. 1881: 250 feet, 1882: 340 feet, 1883: 410 feet, 1884: 555 feet; 7. in order from north to south: Southern Shores, Kitty Hawk, Nags Head, Hatteras Island, Ocracoke Island; 8. government officials assumed that a passenger who could afford to buy a first- or second-class ticket would be less likely to become a burden, to require the services of the state or national government; 9. they were more interested in finding gold; 10. he hoped to help free slaves.

Lesson Plan Source

Education World

Submitted By

Gary Hopkins




Originally published 07/23/2001
Last updated 06/16/2017