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The World
Of Anne Frank



  • Social Sciences
  • Language Arts


  • 6-8
  • 9-12


Brief Description

Students use the provided online resources to learn about the life of Anne Frank and the diary in which she chronicled her family's years in hiding before being sent to Nazi concentration camps.


Students learn new information about the life of Anne Frank. Students read, discuss, and write about Anne's diary.


Anne Frank, diary, Holocaust, Nazi, concentration camp, World War II

Materials Needed

The Diary of a Young Girl, by Anne Frank

Lesson Plan

This lesson provides links to online resources that will help students read and think critically about The Diary of a Young Girl, by Anne Frank. Teachers will find many good ideas for teaching about the book and the Holocaust in general.

  • Anne Frank in the World, 1929-1945 This unit from the Utah Education Network contains a host of reading, history, and writing activities focusing on Anne Frank and the international events of her time.
  • The Truth About Anne Frank This 12-lesson unit, created for high school teachers, is from the Web site Education...A Legacy Forum for Teachers

Two other fine resources for teaching about Anne Frank can be found at the following Web sites:

Anne Frank Scrapbook
Read excerpts from and the story behind her diary. Have students discuss and write their reactions to the pictures and diary. See also the Readers' Companion to Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl (in Word document format).

Anne Frank: The Biography
Older students can read this excerpt from Anne Frank: The Biography, by Melissa Meller. The excerpt highlights the arrest of Anne and her family. Have students discuss and/or write their reactions to the arrest. Ask students to imagine Anne's last days in the concentration camp.


The two units in the Lesson section above include tools for assessment, evaluation, and/or reflection. For the others, the teacher evaluates students' discussions and written activities.

Lesson Plan Source

Education World
(with resources listed above)