From time to time, we all need advice, and excellent educators will always seek answers regarding challenges. Teachers and administrators have been taking their experience, insight and hard work to the blogosphere, ushering in a new collaborative culture that's bringing together the schools and classrooms of the world.
The list below represents EducationWorld's favorite educator blogs to follow in 2013. Some of these feature the latest in education news, while others put everything out there and share the entire classroom experience, fears and all. Some even provide inspiration and a spark of creativity. Check out our selections below and see for yourself!
A list of blogs we love appears below.
A teacher of gifted students, Steve Haberlin has been a thoughtful contributor to the EdWorld Community. As he grows as both a blogger and educator, reading about his experience in the classroom has been a blast. Hit this blog up for brilliant ideas, powerful commentary and a fresh voice on issues that matter to every educator.
Wesley Fryer writes about technology and creativity in this excellent education blog. A plethora of his presentations as a keynote speaker, including TED Talks and other resources, are available, along with relevant news and musings on how technology is helping to shape the minds of the next generation.
Jenna Rayburn is a speech language pathologist who works with preschool and elementary students. Offering everything from speech activities and printouts to speech therapy app reviews, this blog is both personal and inviting. Speech Room News offers a unique and much-needed language resource to the education blogosphere.
Vicki Davis is all about being cool, which helps engage this generation's students. This mother of three pumps her blog full of thoughts on the latest in education. Davis covers technology, news and lesson plans, perfectly blending accessibility with a personality that's relatable to students, parents and educators alike. Make sure to check out this cool cat!
Julie Hembree is the teacher-librarian media specialist behind the Bulldog Readers Library Blog. A combination of classroom lessons, book reviews and previews by multiple authors and fun video trailers, this blog is a great asset to any K-6 educator looking to enrich his/her reading environment.
Globicate is the brainchild of Arizona teacher Heidi Befort. A blog on teaching children about global issues and the current events that affect us all, Globicate helps educators embrace global teaching and build students' cultural awareness. Befort also advocates for environmental concerns, focusing on many other aspects of the larger global picture.
Kleinspiration acts as a front page for education on the Internet, showcasing a blend of social media efforts, technology reviews and resources, along with updates on happenings in the world of Michigan-based blog author Erin Klein.
George Couros, the Division Principal of Innovative Teaching and Learning for Parkland School Division in Alberta, Canada, certainly is a "principal of change." His blog covers school improvement, with inspiration and innovation at the helm. Using a laudable approach that's both refreshing and honest, Couros focuses on students' needs.
Miss D's English and Literacy Blog
Love English? So does Miss D! Check out this lovely blog that pops with phenomenal infographics and other Tumblr offerings. Miss D shares a good deal of perspective and experience from her days as an English Coordinator at a UK inner-city school, and from her current work at an international high school in Jakarta, Indonesia. Check out her broad and addictive posts for a helpful dose of everything English .
Eric Sheninger is a principal with powerful words behind him. Viewing education as a "reflective practice," this blog highlights the experience of one administrator from New Milford High School in Bergen County, NJ. Sheninger's wonderful section of content spans educational leadership, reform and technology integration.
Educator Jeff Utecht has no shortage of technology updates and social networking snazz. He combines education and online practices in an engaging way that perfectly complements our increasingly fast-paced world.
Cathy Nelson's Professional Thoughts
Teacher-librarian Cathy Jo Nelson knows Web 2.0, and like many of the other bloggers on this list, she's helping to bring technology integration to the next level in school libraries and classrooms, while maintaining a strong ethical standard for student use.
Diane Ravitch lives in Brooklyn. And like Brooklyn, her blog is a great place to visit. This research professor of education at New York University presents a platform that stimulates dialogue around implementing better education practices. The blog delivers experiences from many teachers across the country while curating education news and pushing her own hard-hitting opinions. This one is a definite must for those who dabble in the politics of education.
Special education preschool teacher Carla Shane is the creative mind behind Playful Brooklyn Learning. She has provided the EducationWorld Community with a great mix of blog posts, lesson ideas and printouts--from mats to templates and more--all of which can be found on her very pink blog!
Linking and Thinking on Education
Joanne Jacobs is an education journalist who tries to cover as much of the field as possible. Her blog is a must-see for anyone following education news.
First-grade teacher Samantha Beattie provides a variety of diverse resources that are extremely crafty, colorful and useful to early childhood teachers.
A blog that every middle-school science teacher could use, this one offers lesson ideas from science teacher Darren Fix. The posts feature brief write-ups and videos of experiments. The demonstrations of experiments are an incredible resource for teachers trying to select engaging activities for students.
Founded by journalist and mother Tina Barseghian, MindShift brings technology integration and innovative instruction methods to educators. Part news source, part opinion and part resource, the blog offers educators tips on how technology can help close the achievement gap. Visitors also will enjoy reading about the latest and best in progressive tech-based learning.
Brian Crosby is a 30-year veteran elementary school teacher whose expertise ranges from the computer to the playground. His blog gives teachers of at risk students a place to learn, dishing out experiences that reflect his diverse teaching style and a set of lessons that help connect his students to the world around them.
In this news-driven blog brought to you by Scholastic, Alexander Russo compiles the best education headlines that cover issues from multiple, trustworthy sources. Matched with analysis and opinion, Russo's posts paint an accurate portrait of the state of education today.
Charity Preston recently brought her unique style of blogging to magazine form with The Organized Classroom Magazine, a name derived from her blog The Organized Classroom. On her blog, Charity delivers brilliant ideas, resources and videos aimed at primary-grade teachers. Keep your classroom organized while using her fantastic teaching methods.
Jose Luis Vilson is a math teacher and data analyst for a middle school in New York City's Inwood / Washington Heights neighborhood. He also tackles the role of coach. This busy educator gives readers an in-depth experience, bringing reason and perspective to complicated issues. Vilson's voice as an insider, activist and writer make him one of the strongest online voices in modern education.
Michael Vaughn is the earth-rumbling voice behind world-shaker, the blog that compiles the best of what Tumblr has to offer the world of education. This technology educator also gives social-media presentations for students and other educators, blending elements of humor while explaining how Web 2.0 is changing the face of education. This one is a must for any educator who enjoys Tumblr.
With this blog, Richard Byrne takes the interactive classroom to the next level. He covers many elements of integration while helping teachers use technology to make their classes an interactive experience. By taking advantage of technology, Byrne nimbly applies information from which most teachers could benefit.
Dr. Scott McLeod curates this blog, which focuses on leading today's students toward bright futures. This one also pays special attention to the prominent role of technology in transforming education. Perfect for any K-12 educator, Dangerously Irrelevant evolves at the same brisk pace of education. Readers will be swept off their feet by the wealth of top-notch information and resources here.
Thanks for joining our journey through the best of the education blogosphere. Look out for next year's list, and until then, keep reading!
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Article by Jason Cunningham, EducationWorld Social Media Editor
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