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Teacher of the Day

Name:  Paula Haueter 

School:  Catoosa 

Subjects:  Special Education 

State:  Oklahoma 

What or who inspired you to become a teacher?

I loved being a substitute teacher. I changed career paths after being in Accounting for 15 years. I found I loved teaching special needs students.

How are things different for you now, compared to when you first started teaching?

I have learned to have a considerable amount of patience. 

What advice would you give to a new or struggling teacher?

To not stress out - things will always work out. We have all been there. Just Breathe.

My best day in the classroom was when…

My 3rd grade student finally could identify the letters in her name.

The best compliment I ever received was...

When a parent of an autism student asked if I would please teach their student an extra year. He would have been moving to a different building. They went to the school board and told them how much their child had learned in my class and asked for an additional year with me.

What's your favorite part of the school year?

Spring - I love working with the children on crafts for their parents for Mothers' Day and holidays. We find projects that help each student with their special needs- such as cutting and staying in the lines.

What is your one must-have item for the classroom?


What do you eat for breakfast on school days?

Granola Bar

What movie or TV show do you secretly love?



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