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Site Review: Megabloks Parents

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Content:  The parent site for MegaBloks, a LEGO® knockoff purchased by Mattel, offers extensive tips for using the construction product with kids. megabloks parentsThough the site is very promotional and geared toward getting you to buy more MegaBloks, it still has lots of good ideas, videos and other fun/semi-educational activities.

Design:  The site is bright and colorful. It’s also very easy to navigate. It’s kid-friendly, but not in a way that makes parents feel out of place.

Review:  There are some good things here—fun ways to use the product and maybe even learn something—but MegaBloks does not connect the dots to education as directly as LEGO® does.

Bottom Line:  While the site does not directly meet the needs of educators, teachers may find some ideas here that would translate well to a classroom.


Article by Daniel B. Kline, EducationWorld Contributing Editor
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