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Behavior Management Tips: Inattention, Tardiness and More


Encourage student attention, good behavior, and punctuality using these easy techniques for the classroom.


Give Me Five
Discourage inattention by teaching students the "Give Me Five" technique. Whenever you say, "Give Me Five," students go through the following five steps:

  1. Eyes on speaker
  2. Quiet
  3. Be still
  4. Hands free
  5. Listen
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Looking for more information about rewards? Read Classroom Rewards Reap Dividends for Teachers and Students.

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Three Strikes!
Every Monday, provide each student with three index cards with his or her name printed in large letters on the blank sides of the cards. If a student misbehaves, he or she writes, on the first line of the lined side of the card, the date and the behavior, and drops the card into a fishbowl at the front of the room. Reward students who still have three cards at the end of the week, and assign consequences to those who have two, one, or no cards left. The next week, give back students' cards back and start again. The cards also serve as a record at report card or parent conference time.

Don't Be Late
Discourage tardiness by inviting students who are not in their seats when the bell rings to go to the front of the room and sing a song.

Article by Linda Starr
Education World®
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