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Site Review: The Smithsonian


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Content: is the online home to the nation’s preeminent museum. Here is content from all of the Smithsonian’s museums, with special attention given to the content’s educational value.

The Smithsonian's Web Site is really goodDesign:  The Smithsonian gets high marks for simplicity, although its donation appeals do take center stage.

Getting past the initial “How to Get Involved” links, users get a main scroller promoting current exhibitions. There are content boxes for everything from planning a trip to the museums to browsing their encyclopedia. All of the navigation is logical and easy to follow.

Review:  The site touts its educational prowess: “The Smithsonian seeks to bring content experts and educators together to help strengthen American education and enhance our nation’s ability to compete globally.” Those claims are backed up with an amazing amount of high-quality content aimed at teachers.

Given the diversity of the collections held by the Smithsonian, something as simple as clicking on the “Search Our Collections” link can easily turn into hours lost delving into your desired topic. The result is a teacher more prepared to present the information in class the next day.

Bottom Line:  Tremendous content with a distinct educational spin is what makes a top pick for educators.


Article by Jason Tomaszewski, EducationWorld Associate Editor
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