Happy Thanksgiving: Lesson plans and activities
Thanksgiving doesn't have to mean the same tired turkey lessons. Join Education World as we celebrate this special season with some creative ideas. In this archive you will find articles, lesson ideas, site reviews, books, crafts, clipart and much more -- all to help you meet all your holiday needs.
Thanksgiving lesson plans
Thanksgiving Placemats: A Community Service Project
Make Thanksgiving placemats as a community service project. (Grades Pre-K-12)
Video Roundups: Thanksgiving
With these videos, teachers can share entertaining and informative Thanksgiving videos with their students from grades K-12.
Thanksgiving Feast (Read a chart)
Learn about where some Thanksgiving feast foods are grown. Printable work sheet provided. (Grades 3-8)
You are the historian: Investigating the first Thanksgiving
In this lesson, students use a resource produced by the historians at Plimoth Plantiation to learn the truth about the "First Thanksgiving."
Thinking about Thanksgiving: Lessons across the curriculum
Education World helps put Thanksgiving in perspective and challenges students to "think about Thanksgiving." Included: Lessons that teach science, math, geography, foreign languages, more.
The "First Thanksgiving" -- a feast of activities
Looking to cook up a feast of across-the-curriculum fun? The table is set with a plentiful selection of ideas. Dig in!
10 Books to celebrate Thanksgiving
With these 10 books, students can learn about the history of Thanksgiving and the message behind it.
Are you teaching the real story of the "First Thanksgiving"?
Are you teaching the true Thanksgiving story or is the version you're passing on to your students a blend of fact and myth? Ready to set the record straight?
It's turkey time!
Gobble, gobble, gobble... Increase your students' knowledge and skills when you use turkeys as a teaching theme.
More Resources for Thanksgiving
Pilgrim projects
Your Thanksgiving lessons lost the luster they once had? These lessons should inspire you to tackle the topic once again. Included: Activities for younger students and older students.
Native Americans
Explore Education World's resources on the history and culture of America's original inhabitants.
Four Wampanoag folktales for the classroom
In this lesson, students will read and learn about four folktales of the Wampanoags, the tribe that shared the First Thanksgiving with the pilgrims.
A Thanksgiving language lesson
Students work in groups to create restaurants, menus, and advertisements to attract Thanksgiving Day customers.
The Thanksgiving story: The pilgrims revisited
The Internet is full of useful materials for exploding myths about the Pilgrims, the Indians, the Mayflower, and the First Thanksgiving. Education World explores the best of those online resources.
Make this week's lessons pop(corn)!
These lesson plans will engage students as they create popcorn timelines, maps, and graphs; do popcorn science and math; explore popcorn history and nutrition; and -- don't forget the best part-- eat popcorn snacks.
Six pilgrim resources for the classroom
Here are six lesson plans and books teachers can use in the classroom to teach their students about pilgrims.
Six Native American resources
From making their own dream catchers to reading books, teachers can provide these six lesson plans to their students around Thanksgiving.
Check out these websites
The Mayflower web page
Here is a site that contains just about all the information known about the Mayflower and its famous passengers, the Pilgrims.
First Nations histories
An extensive gathering of resources on the history of Native American tribes.
Books worth a look
The Native American Legacy
Four new books that help youngsters develop their knowledge of and appreciation for the legacy of Native Americans.
A harvest of new Thanksgiving books
A Pioneer Thanksgiving, A Thanksgiving Wish, and One Little, Two Little, Three Little Pilgrims.
Kids will gobble up All About Turkeys
A great resource for kids who are hungry for information about turkeys.
PaperStar Introduces Plymouth Rock and Native American Titles
Check out books on two popular topics of discussion and learning at this time.
Updated on 11/07/2015 by Kassondra Granata, Education World Contributor
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