November is National American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month -- the perfect time to explore Education World's resources on the history and culture of America's original inhabitants.
Activities to celebrate Native American heritage
November is National American Indian Heritage Month. This week, Education World offers 12 lessons to help students learn about Native American history and cultures. Included: Activities that involve students in dramatizing folktales, learning new words, preparing traditional foods, and much more!
Exploring Native Americans across the curriculum
Blast stereotypes with across-the-curriculum activities for students of all ages. These activities will help teachers present a balanced portrayal of Native Americans today -- their history, their culture, and their issues.
Plains Indians pictographs
Laura Wolfram, who teaches at Horace Mann School in Bronx, New York, submitted this week's lesson, in which students design their own pictograph sentences on scraps of "buffalo hide."
Comparing Cinderella and The Rough-Face Girl
Kellie Replogle, a soon-to-be teacher, submitted this weeks lesson. Students use a Venn diagram to compare two popular childrens stories -- Cinderella and the native tale The Rough-Face Girl.
Yours and my Trail of Tears
Marcus Garcia, who teaches at Lincoln School in Stockton, California, submitted this lesson in which a simulation teaches students about the forced relocation of Cherokees along the Trail of Tears. (Grades 6-12)
The Native American legacy
Follow the yearly cycle of 12 full moons to learn about the lives of the early Algonquian people. Have your class perform a play based on a Native American folktale. Help students create Native American jewelry, clothing, and other crafts...
Indigenous People's literature
A compilation of writings and information about indigenous peoples from around the world.
Sitting Bull: A new biography
A biography of Sitting Bull sheds light on the Lakota chief who won the battle and fought to maintain his people's way of life.
The Real American West
Proud Native Americans, brave explorers,ambitious prospectors, groundbreaking women. This week, Education World celebrates the history, spirit, and people of the American West in two new and very different books.
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