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Sites to See: World History Resources

World History sites offer students, teachers, and the general public a wealth of resources for teaching and learning about world history. Included are primary documents, lesson plans, multimedia exhibits, Webcasts, teaching strategies, and more. Included: Ten practical world history resources for students and teachers.

Learning about the past leads to a better understanding of the forces that have shaped the present. Understanding not just our own past, but that of nations and cultures thousands of miles away, has become increasingly important as advances in technology and communication have made ours an ever more interconnected world. The sites below will help students better understand their own history and that of their global neighbors.

Mr. Dowling's Virtual Classroom
Mr. Dowling, a sixth created this Web site with the lessons and resources he uses in his own classroom. The site offers a comprehensive list of worksheets, homework assignments, background information, study guides, and much more about every area of the world.

UN Multimedia
This site, the news and media service site of the United Nations, reports on topics of broad global interest, such as military conflicts in the Middle East, economic development, and humanitarian aid. The site includes a large collection of radio and television programs, videos, Webcasts, and approximately 300,000 photographs.

World History Matters
Designed to help world history teachers and students locate, analyze, and learn from online primary sources and to further their understanding of world history, this site offers a variety of primary documents, guides for locating and evaluating primary documents, and suggestions for using primary documents in the classroom. Included are multimedia demonstrations, case studies, lessons, activities, and teaching strategies.

The World War I Document Archive
Brigham Young University Libraries, offers this online archive of primary documents from World War I. The archive contains hundreds of documents, grouped into such categories such as diaries, commentaries, maritime war, and the medical front, to name a few. All documents also can be browsed by year -- from pre-1914 to post 1918.

The U. S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Education Page
This section of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum offers resources for teaching and learning about the Holocaust. The site includes a teaching guide (Teaching about the Holocaust: A Resource Book for Educators.) chronology, personal histories, lessons, online learning activities. historical and artifact photographs, text, and links to related sites within the Museum's Web site.


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Article by Hazel Jobe
Education World®
Copyright © 2005 Education World

