Online Career sites can help young people make informed decisions as they explore career opportunities, choose a college major, or make the transition from school to work. Career sites offer job related information, as well as opportunities to practice such job related activities as interviewing and resume writing. Included: Career-related sites for parents, educators, and kids of all ages.
Deciding on a career can be a daunting task for young people. Learning as much as possible about various careers can help students make more informed decisions about careers they might like to pursue and about how to best prepare for those careers. Job related sites offer both elementary and secondary students information and statistics about various careers, tools for choosing a career, and opportunities for engaging in job related role-play. Whether students are exploring different career opportunities, planning for college, or making the transition from school to work, they're sure to find what they're looking for at one of these excellent career resources. Career
Career InfoNet
You're sure to find the information and tools you need at this excellent online resource for parents, teachers, guidance counselors, students, and job seekers of all ages. Can't decide on a career? Access information about the kind of training required for different jobs, as well as statistics on where in the country the work is available, and how much various jobs are likely to pay.
Astro Venture
NASA Education Enterprise provides this interactive multimedia site for students in grades 5-8. Here, visitors search for and create a planet suitable for human habitation while role-playing a variety of NASA occupations. Students are guided through four training modules as they learn how astronomy, geology, atmospheric science, and biology affect a planet's ability to support human life -- and about the jobs done by scientists and other NASA employees.
BLS Career Information
This site for elementary level students is designed to help them explore career possibilities based on specific areas of interest. Students click Music/Arts, Math, Science, P.E./Outdoors, Social Studies, or Reading to explore several occupations related to that area. The information provided includes a description of each job, suggestions about how to prepare for it, and estimates of how much it might pay. A Teacher's Guide to BLS Career Information also is provided.
Mapping Your Future
Are your students -- or their parents -- feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of career, college, and financial aid choices available? Mapping Your Future might be the place to go. This site for parents, teachers, guidance counselors, and students in middle- through graduate school offers tips on what factors to consider when choosing a career or selecting a college, lists ten steps to take when planning on how to pay for college, and provides a timeline to help students plan their future education.
Next Step Magazine
This online version of Next Step Magazine features articles on all aspects of college and career planning. High school students will find age appropriate articles about careers ranging from biomedical researcher to welder. Students considering college can read articles on such topics as acing the SAT, successful study habits, time management, and crime on campus.
For even more great sites -- on topics ranging from Administrators to Vocational -- visit Education World's Site Reviews Archives.
Updated 11/28/2011
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