Sites to See:
American Literature
American literature sites are devoted to the works, lives, influence, and culture of some of America's most important authors. Many of the sites include digital versions of authors' works and little known facts about their lives; sounds, images, and other interactive features; primary source documents, publishing histories, and more. Included: Eighteen sites that are sure to spark your interest and that of your students.
The American literature sites below offer teachers and students supplemental reading and background materials, including electronic texts, information about the life and times of American authors, and explorations of the cultural significance of those authors' works. Many also provide lesson plans, interactive student activities, and suggestions for book discussions.
Alex's Catalogue of Electronic Texts
This collection of digital documents from American literature, English literature and Western philosophy is not your typical collection of e-texts. The site also includes a number of unique features, such as an option to search content across several texts simultaneously by locating all the works by a particular author and then clicking the "Use Concordance" link, and the ability to create .pdf files that can be printed and read offline.
Knowing Poe: The Literature and Life of Edgar Allan Poe
This interactive site offers resources for teachers and extremely engaging activities for students. The high degree of interactivity gives visitors the opportunity to learn about Poe, the person, and Poe, the author, and they experience 19th century Baltimore. Classroom Connections will help teachers make the best use of the site's materials and primary resources.
Mark Twain in His Times
Visitors can explore the Mark Twain and his works through the reviews, articles, texts, manuscripts, and images found at this site. The interactive hypertext map of Innocents Abroad, for example, links places along the route of the Quaker City excursion to an excerpt from the book about that particular place. The site also includes a display of the various signatures of Mark Twain, a section on how Twain's works were published and marketed, and a look at his stage performances.
Timeless Hemingway
Timeless Hemingway focuses on the life and works of this important 20th century author. Included at the sit are a comprehensive Hemingway FAQ, a Hemingway Family Tree, Hemingway Trivia, Hemingway Links, a gallery of photos depicting Hemmingway's life and biographical information. The site's most popular feature, however, is the Hemingway Quote Finder.
Uncle Tom's Cabin & American Culture
Explore the history and cultural significance of Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel Uncle Tom's Cabin at this University of Virginia site. A gold mine of primary documents dealing with the era from 1830 to 1930, the site also includes pretexts, Stowe's Uncle Toms, reaction to the book, movie clips, and 3-D images. The site features a full e-text and playable songs from the novel, as well as a comparison of manuscript, novel, and newspaper serial versions of the story.
For even more great literature sites, visit the Reference area of Education World's Site Reviews Archives.
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