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June 16, 2000

Mark Twain in His Times

This archive was created in large part from the "particular and often rare resources" of the Barrett Collection of American Literature at the University of Virginia Library. It focuses on many different aspects of Mark Twain and his works.

The simple layout and classic photos make this site appealing.

The site is organized into eight main sections accessible from the entry page. Click on About This Site to reach the handy Piloting Lessons section, which helps make navigation easier for first-time visitors.

The site explores the creation of Mark Twain and his works through reviews, articles, texts, manuscripts, and images. Users will also find such interactive exhibits as the hypertext map of Innocents Abroad. By clicking each place on the map along the route of the Quaker City excursion, users are taken to an excerpt from the book about that particular place. Included is a display of the various signatures of Mark Twain, a section on how his works were published and marketed, and a look at his performances. An on-site search tool allows users to search texts, reviews, obituary notices, or all of the above. Literature students will find this site a great resource for report writing.