Whether you want to find fresh suggestions for classroom lessons and activities, explore better ways of integrating technology, keep current on education news issues, research, and theories, or exchange problems and solutions with colleagues worldwide, these Web sites designed for new teachers -- but valuable for veterans as well -- will provide all the tips, tools, and how to's you need. Included: More than a dozen great resources for new teachers -- and veteran teachers too.
The flurry of preparation and planning that comes with the start of a new school year can be a source of stress, especially for beginning teachers. This week, Education World offers a remedy to those opening day jitters; some of the best online resources for beginning teachers -- and veteran teachers too! Whether you want help integrating technology, finding fresh ideas for livening up the curriculum, or keeping abreast of the pressing issues in education today, these Web sites are sure to make your opening day as stress free as can be!
Adventures of CyberBee
CyberBee swarms with fresh ideas and resources for teachers who want help using technology in their classrooms or integrating technology into their curriculum. Here you will find such valuable resources as online treasure hunts designed to introduce students to the Web, a primary source document of the month with student comprehension questions, printable Web site evaluation forms, and a host of other useful curriculum links.
From 1992 through 2003, the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) provided "education information with the personal touch." The site's thousands of resources and services included journal articles and document abstracts, a listserv archive, and more than 1000 teacher submitted lesson plans browsable by subject area or searchable by keyword and grade level. In addition, the site provided a a question-and-answer service, the opportunity to submit lesson plans to ERIC, and a link to student homework help. Although the AskERIC site was closed and services requiring updates were discontinued on December 19, 2003, most AskERIC resources still are available at The Educator's Reference Desk.
Gateway to Educational Materials
GEM, a site sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, is the result of an effort to provide educators with quick and easy access to the vast array of educational materials available on various federal, state, university, non-profit, and commercial Internet sites. This one-stop source for high-quality Internet lesson plans, curriculum units, and other educational resources can be browsed alphabetically or by subject, or searched by subject, grade level, keywords, or cost.
Discovery School.com
Parents, teachers, and students alike will find that Discovery School's excellent resources can make teaching and learning more fun. The site provides excellent lesson plans, high quality materials to enhance the curriculum and make planning easier, as well as a number of useful and fun online tools. My favorite tool is the Puzzlemaker. Check it out!
For even more great sites for online reference materials, visit the Reference area of Education World's Site Reviews Archives.
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