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The Gateway to Educational Materials (GEM)
A rich resource for educational materials.
GRADE LEVEL: PreK-12, Professional

The Gateway to Educational Materials (GEM) is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education and "provides educators with quick and easy access to thousands of educational resources found on various federal, state, university, non-profit, and commercial Internet sites."
The site has a simple, quick-loading, user-friendly format that serves the site's purpose well.

Several options for navigation are offered. Visitors may browse the resources by subject or keyword by following the links in the left-side menu or searching by specific grade level and subject area using keywords, title, or description. All pages provide a link back to the home page.

GEM is a one-stop source for high-quality Internet lesson plans, curriculum units, and other educational resources for parents, teachers, and others involved in education. It currently contains 24,926 education resources. This extensive collection is categorized by subject area, grade level, and keyword. Each collection is reviewed and must meet certain standards to be included in the Gateway. Search results provide a comprehensive list of annotated links. Each record provides a "more info" option that provides the complete GEM review and gives a short description of the resource, including author, title, and location. This is one site teachers will want to bookmark and visit often!

Review by Hazel Jobe
Education World®
Copyright © Education World

Updated 07/05/2010