Federation for Children with Special Needs (FCSN)
The Federation is a center for parents and parent organizations to work together on behalf of children with special needs and their families.
Our-Kids A discussion group with r 800 people from all over the world representing children of varying diagnosis; everything from indefinite developmental delays and sensory integration problems, to cerebral palsy, to rare genetic disorders.
Special Education and PTA Library
Articles and other PTA-related information of interest to parents of and advocates for children with special needs, including gifted children.
Special Needs, Special Kids
Created by a special-needs mediator, this site provides an abundance of information about specific disabilities, such as autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, epilepsy, and spinal bifida.
Basics for Parents
Basics for Parents is a brand new series from NICHCY. Written in easy-to-understand terms, these publications will look at aspects of the special education process and provide parents with information they need.
Parent Guides
The Parent Guide series offers answers to questions and concerns that parents and people who work with parents or children with disabilities typically have.
The User-Friendly Special Education Guide for Parents The site provides basic advocacy and resource knowledge for parents of special education students.
Music Therapy for Young Children With Special Needs
provides a number of suggestions for using music to help young students overcome or cope with a variety of disabilities.
Very Special Home Pages
This site provides free home pages for children and adults with special needs. Each biography, written by a parent or caregiver, displays the talents, hobbies, and personality of the person with special needs and allows visitors to see beyond the disability.
Special Needs, Special Kids
Music Therapy for Young Children With Special Needs
Very Special Home Pages
A Guide to Children's Literature and Disability
A bibliography intended to help parents and professionals identify books that are written about or include characters who have a disability.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1995
Read about how these amendments affect your child as well as a background on IDEA.
A Guide to Children's Literature and Disability
A bibliography designed to help parents and professionals find books that include characters with a disability.
Advocating for your Child
An informative site for parents regarding special education, IDEA, IEPs, evaluations, placements, related services, advocacy and the laws.
Comfort Connection Family Resource Center
This site offers web based information for parents of infants/toddlers born at risk or with disabilities. This site offers disability specific links.
Internet Resource Sites for Special Education
Alton C. Crews Middle School in Lawrenceville, Georgia, provides links to sites for exceptional children and their parents, teachers, and friends.
Special Education Resources on the Internet
You'll find lots and lots of links to on-line special-education ressources here.
Parents Engaged in Education Reform Project (PEER): Goals 2000 and Children with Disabilities On-line information from the PEER Project, which works through and with the network of trainers in the Parent Training and Information (PTI) Centers to reach parents of children with disabilities.
Starting Points for Parents
A list of helpful short articles on a range of topics related to assessment for special education students from primary school through college and career from the Educational Testing Service and the Office of Disability Policy.