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Tech Tips For Teaching Languages

Thank YouBritish newspaper The Guardian has put together some terrific tips for using current technologies to teach languages. In an article by Emma Durry, teachers can see how everything from cutting edge tech like QR codes to antiquated tools like music videos can be used to help students master a foreign language.

While the tips and techniques outlined here are specific to language classes, many if not all of them, can easily be adapted for any classroom situation.





Webquest on our National Landmarks

With the 75th anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge~ I thought I would share a webquest on our National Landmarks.

Hope you find it of value.



Gail Hennessey

End of the School Year letters

Do you give parting comments to your students at the end of the school year? On the last day of the school year~ I would give a letter to each of the students in my 6th grade classes. Here is the last one I wrote the year of my retirement.

Perhaps~ you have letters you'd like to share?

Gail Hennessey


Student Blogs to Effect School Change

saladTired of being forced to eat what she felt were nutritionally sub-par meals at school, a 9-year-old student took to her blog in an effort to draw attention to the issue. It didn’t take long for that attention to go viral as Martha Payne's blog, Never Seconds, was eyed by several media outlets in her native...

Finger on the Pulse

I heard the kids singing it while riding a bus back from a field trip to Kennedy Space Center.

So lets set the world on fire
We can burn brighter than the sun.

Its the lyrics to the song We Are Young by a group called FUN.

I had also heard my seven-year-old daughter singing the song in the backseat of the car.

The flag went up. My brain was buzzing. I thought to myself Ive got to use this song. I need to rewrite the lyrics and tie it to a lesson I am...

Importance of decorating your classroom

I truly believe that a classroom should be an inviting place. Yes~ we have lots and lots of responsibilities placed upon~ and it seems more and more each year but I think "bare" walls are not something you should have in your classroom.So~ especially for new teachers....I say decorate your room~ even if you teach high school!!! It's your home away from home~ make it inviting with lots for students to see about what you will be teaching~ current events~inspirational quotes~ pictures of places...

Techie Challenge

This week~ I challenged my students to make a presentation without talking. Thats right~ mums the word. Instead~ they were required to use whatever technology was available in the classroom to present the information~ which in this case~ involved World War II.

At first~ they looked puzzled but after I suggested the use Google Translate to speak~ for instance~ and powerpoints and slideshow programs to illustrate~ and music to convey emotion~ they began to get the point. To be honest~ Im...

Dress Things Up!

Teachers who dress up in costumes simply rock! I think for a teacher to have the guts and willingess to play the role of a character is commendable. The practice also increases enthusiam and can help get your classroom out of a rut.

Last week~ Debbye Warrell~ media specialist at Challenger K-8 in Spring Hill~ Florida~ came into my classroom dressed as an Avatar. The costume was so good the kids and I didnt even know it was her until she spoke. No kidding. The students...

Burned Out?

Job experts say most of us will experience burnout in our lifetime.

What is burnout? According to Merriam-Websters dictionary~ burnout is"exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration." Using that as our definition~ you can see~ as educators~ that it is important to recognize when you might be experiencing burnout and to have creative ways to deal with it. If burnout is generally a loss of motivation~ then keeping it...

30-Day Challenge

I have an idea I want to share that I think would changea school'sculture forever! And it wouldn't cost the government a dime.

Forthirty straightdays~ educators at schools across the country would take on a challenge to do something positive at their school. It could be tobring donuts to their students~ leave a good jobnote for a colleague~ make a positive phone call to a parent~wear roller skates and skate down the get my drift.

Everyone tries to give...

Creating a Great Seating Arrangement

Classroom desk arrangements can be a tedious process for some and non-existent for others. Many veteran teachers feel that straight rows are the only way to go~ while "newbie's" in the building feel that effective classroom arrangement should change up nearly every week.

While there is only personal preference to the matter~ teachers may want to stop and...
