A team of neuroscientists is working on a device they say has the ability to “hack” a person’s brain. They are so confident in their work that they will be testing the so-called iBrain on none other than the smartest man alive, Stephen Hawking.
Hawking, who suffers from Lou Gehrig’s disease, is agreeing to test the iBrain in a effort to improve his communicative abilities. His body continues to deteriorate from his affliction and he no longer is able to effectively use a clicker to operate his voice simulator. If effective, the iBrain will allow Hawking, and others with similar debilitating conditions, to operate computers and other machines using only their thoughts.
The iBrain, which is worn around the head and can measure brain activity, is only in its infancy, and it remains unclear if it will have any practical applications. Scientists are hopeful that, with further testing like that that Hawking is participating in, those applications will be realized.
1) Come to school...
If you have seen the news lately, you are likely aware of what’s happening on commercial flights. The number of incidents involving unruly passengers is threw the roof, a rate higher than any other time since airlines have been recording this data.
Flight attendants are getting attacked and may be required to take self-defense classes. Passengers fighting each other over COVID-19 masks. Airlines, like Southwest, have curbed back serving alcohol.
To put it in perspective, the...
I have written two other articles that you may want to consider taking a peek at before reading this article. They are using STEM and STEAM in the Classroom and Planning,...
As the new school year approaches, let's discuss planning and incorporating STEAM into our daily schedule. If you haven’t read Part 1: Using STEAM and STEM in the classroom, you may want to start there. I also challenge you to walk away with ONE idea you may try when school begins. The classroom community...