A team of neuroscientists is working on a device they say has the ability to “hack” a person’s brain. They are so confident in their work that they will be testing the so-called iBrain on none other than the smartest man alive, Stephen Hawking.
Hawking, who suffers from Lou Gehrig’s disease, is agreeing to test the iBrain in a effort to improve his communicative abilities. His body continues to deteriorate from his affliction and he no longer is able to effectively use a clicker to operate his voice simulator. If effective, the iBrain will allow Hawking, and others with similar debilitating conditions, to operate computers and other machines using only their thoughts.
The iBrain, which is worn around the head and can measure brain activity, is only in its infancy, and it remains unclear if it will have any practical applications. Scientists are hopeful that, with further testing like that that Hawking is participating in, those applications will be realized.
Once you are offered the position, there are several next steps.
You should have provided vital information to the human resources department at the school district: such as a social security card, drivers license, passport, etc. You will probably be drug tested and fingerprint. HR will ask for your work experience (usually 5-10 years), all college transcripts, professional certificates, etc.
Most school districts will have orientation opportunities so you may be better...
I hope you find these hiring tips helpful. Remember first impressions count!
In today's world, interviewing can be on-line or in person. Many of these tips can be used in either case.
Do you remember what you were doing on December 14, 2012? I do. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was working in my office at a university when I suddenly began receiving messages about a school shooting in Connecticut. I kept reading and reading, and then I would cry because I could empathize with those teachers as I had been in a classroom not too long ago. It is a day I will never forget -- the day the...
I have spent over 50 years working in education from K-university. I have seen my fair share of educational politics on all levels. As school administrators you need to be aware of this in order to stay out of the political battles that you might arise. I have been a K-12 educator in 9 school districts in 5 states. I have also been a school board member and a university professor that worked with educational leaders. I have seen excellent school boards and superintendents and not so good...
Improving your interviewing skills is important as a teacher or administrator. Here are some tips that might help you land that job!
Good interviewers have developed critical attributes of effective interview questions and questioning techniques. Interviewing is one of the most important ways to see if your candidate is a "good fit" for your school. Interviews can be both in person and virtually but the components of interviewing are very similar. I currently work in an American international school in Cairo where we try to hire as many Americans as we can for all faculty and administrative positions. The great majority...
Conflict between and among people is a fact of school life. Something that can be unpleasant at best but you will have to deal with conflict on an almost daily basis.
As the educational leader, constituents may want to talk to you about a conflict or problem they have with someone or a situation. Frequently, they just want to talk to someone about the problem and do not want you to do anything about it. They just want to talk about the conflict and may solicit your advice. You have...