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Larry Ferlazzos Best...

The Best Web Sites for Learning About
Memorial Day

With Memorial Day coming up later this month, I thought it would be useful to create another The Best list. An obvious starting place is my previous The Best Websites to Learn About Veterans Day. In addition to the resources found there, though, here are my choices for The Best Websites for Learning About Memorial Day" (that are accessible to English Language Learners):


EL Civics has a good Memorial Day lesson.

Here's a Memorial Day Quiz designed for English Language Learners.

The History Channel has a great Memorial Day site.


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Social Studies for Kids has a good description of the day called Memorial Day: A Time For Reflection.

Arlington National Cemetery has a large collection of images in their photo galleries.

Here's a cloze (fill-in-the-blank) exercise from Glencoe about the day.

The Orange County Register has an accessible interactive graphic about Memorial Day.

Memorial Day Across America is an online video from MSNBC.

Paying Tribute is a slideshow about Memorial Day from MSNBC.

Honoring The Fallen is a similar slideshow from CBS News.

Mementos Adorn Saddest Acre is a slideshow from CNN.

Honoring Those Who Served Us is a slideshow from MSNBC.

Heres a list of interesting facts about Memorial Day that wouldnt be accessible to ELLs, but teachers could certainly modify them.

CBS News has an online video of President Obama visiting Arlington National Cemetery.

CNN has a slideshow of the same visit.

Take a Memorial Day Quiz for ELLs.

Memorial Day 2009 is a series of photos from the Big Picture.

Voice of America Special English has an accessible explanation of the holiday and provides audio support for the text.

Memorial Day Observations is a slideshow from The New York Times.

Finally, here's an audio slideshow of Memorial Day in Washington, D.C.

If you found this article useful, you might want to check out Larrys entire Best Of series, or consider subscribing to his free blog.

Larry Ferlazzo
Education World®
Copyright © 2010 Education World

Updated 05/16/2014