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Choosing what kind of meeting to have with your school can be tough--a blog post from Connected Principals helps administrators choose the right type.
This Wednesday, students across the country will be part of the largest youth-led science experiment in an activity called, "Rockets to the Rescue."
A survey of experienced teachers in the northeast showed that the educators do not believe parents understand what the Common Core are. The survey also found that the surveyed teachers strongly believe in homework.
Shy children saw significant academic gains--especially in their critical thinking skills--after participating in a temperament-based intervention program.
Jayne Ellspermann of West Port High School in Ocala, FL, has been named the 2015 National Principal of the Year by the National Association of Secondary School Principals.
According to a recent analysis, the presence of a school counselor reduces "number of reports of disruptive behavior by 20 percent for boys and 29 percent for girls."
Where you work can greatly impact how much money you make as a teacher.
Technology companies that provide education tools and services to U.S. schools, including Microsoft, announced that they are signing a pledge to promise that they will protect student data.
If you're considering whether or not to encourage more videogame use for brain benefits, take a look at this study.
A small town in New Jersey is defending its high school team as its season is cut short after reported events of bullying, intimidation and harassment among its players.
Microsoft is taking the next step in OneNote after its release of the new OneNote Class Notebook Creator app on Tuesday, which is free to Office 365 users.
An enterprising high school special education teacher decided to have her students run a coffee shop. More than a year later, it's still going strong.
Some schools extend recess to give students more exercise, but a school in North Carolina decided to bring brikes to their students.
Can improving a student's debating skills help them understand and learn Common Core skills? A middle school in Miami is putting it to the test.
Amanda Jelen, fourth-grade teacher in Minnesota, offers recommendations to other educators on how to deal with several roadblocks to successful tablet implementation.
Assistant Professor at East Central University offered teachers four classroom management components for teachers working in a mobile classroom.
A new report conducted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation examined testing data and concluded that America's schools are falling behind.
Two districts in Illinois are starting a program with musical theater to boost their special needs students' skills.
While edX now offers more than 25 high-school-level MOOC courses, students can't receive high school credit for taking the courses.
A passionate writer rallies teachers to speak up and remind the world that students should be of primary importance in the classroom--not tests.
