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The Results of the Education World
Survey and Contest!

Here are the winners' suggestions arranged by keywords:

Online Workshops

"EdWorld every day keeps lesson plan blues away!

"Maybe as a long-term thought, you would consider offering some workshops online. Workshops we could get college credits, even if only 1 hour of credit. I think professional development is hardest for me, because I am in a remote area, and I like to interact with the computer. Teachers need to step up to technology!"

-- Peggy Gates
San Jon, NM

Dear Peggy,

What a great idea! We have never investigated the possibility of offering workshops for credit, but it is an idea that we should look into. Perhaps there is a way to combine your brilliant idea with the earlier 'Workshop in a Box' suggestion.

Actually, several of our best sponsors are accredited institutions that offer professional development courses online. Please visit all our sponsors, because that's how we stay afloat; in particular, you might want to visit our Professional Development Opportunity Center to get information about online courses you can take for credit.

~ The Editorial Team at, "The Educator's Best Friend"