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The Results of the Education World
Survey and Contest!

Here are the winners' suggestions arranged by keywords:

EdWorld Visitors Supplying
Information About Their Curricula

"As a department chair, I am searching not only for myself, but for teachers of other grade levels. It is my job to know their curriculum and help them support it in exciting and engaging ways. It is very rare when a teacher asks if I have any ideas for a particular lesson that I cannot refer them to something I found on EdWorld.

"Perhaps you could enlist visitors (such as me!) to supply specific information concerning changes in their curricula for which they need immediate and meaningful support resources."

-- Erika Reiss
Baltimore, MD

Dear Erika,

We encourage other department chairs, school-based staff developers, and even principals to use us in just the way you do. We can help make all educators charged with professional development responsibilities look good. Keeping up to date with new and timely resources on EdWorld is as easy as signing up for one or more of our nine free newsletters for educators.

As for your offer of help, we certainly would like all the help we can get! We are always looking for ways in which our readers might become more substantial contributors to the organization and format of the resources available at Education World, so stay tuned.

Meanwhile, yes, please spread the word about us. As you know, we're not a big team, and we don't have a big budget to get the word out. We depend on you!

~ The Editorial Team at, "The Educator's Best Friend"