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The role of K-12 teachers has expanded far beyond the traditional confines of education. Teachers are now expected to wear multiple hats—educator, mentor, advocate, caregiver, and, in some cases, first responder to mental health crises. 
Gail S Hennessey's picture
During World War 2, so much mail had not been delivered to soldiers stationed abroad, that it was piling to the ceilings in several warehouses. Mail...
Gail S Hennessey's picture
Did You Know The first African American invited to the White House (by President Theodore Roosevelt) was Booker T. Washington. The educator was also...
Tisha's picture
12 reasons why Centers are an important part of a classroom environment!
Gail S Hennessey's picture
Did you Know that the only non-president to be honored with a national holiday is Martin Luther King? Only George Washington and Martin Luther King...
Gail S Hennessey's picture
Did You Know that the First Inauguration Ceremony to be on television was in 1949, for President Harry S. Truman.  Check out these other Fun Facts!
Gail S Hennessey's picture
Chinese New Year is not always held on the same day each year. It depends on when the second new moon of the winter solstice occurs. In 2024, Chinese...
Gail S Hennessey's picture
In 2024, a Norway Spruce Tree, from Stockbridge, MA, was selected as the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree. It is 74 Ft. tall. Head gardener for...
Gail S Hennessey's picture
Gail S Hennessey's picture
Every four years, American citizens vote in an election for the next President of the United States. The next Presidential Election is in 2024. Each...
Gail S Hennessey's picture
New York was the first state to set aside a day to honor the contributions of Native Americans. Called American Indian Day, it was established in...