4. The water you are drinking is the same water that the dinosaurs drank.
We don’t have any “new” water on the planet. It just keeps getting recycled. Can you name the three stages of the water cycle?____________ __________ ______________
5. Scientists say that in a 100 year time period, a molecule of water spends 98 years in the ocean, 20 months as ice and just 2 weeks in rivers and lakes. It spends only about 1 week in the atmosphere.
6. In 1996 , NASA announced that water, in the form of ice, was found on the moon, near the South Pole.
7. Did you know that hot water freezes more quickly than cold water? This is called the Mpemba Effect. Scientists aren’t sure why this is the case.
8. Water is the only substance on the Earth that has three stages. Can you name them?____________ ________ _________
9.. Water is made up of just two elements, hydrogen and oxygen.
10. Pure water doesn’t have any smell or taste. Other than for drinking, can you think of three uses of water?___________ ______________ ___________
11. Can you name the room in a house that uses the most water?____________
Your Turn:
- Illustrate one of the facts.
- Pretend to be a water drop and write about a day in your life.
- What are three ways you can conserve water in your daily life?
Teacher’s Page:
Before doing the activity, ask the students to share prior knowledge on the topic of water. Give the students the Did You Know? Fact Sheet. Regroup and discuss.
Additional Activities:
1. Teachers may find some information at this link of value to use with kids:
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1. salty and frozen 5.evaporation, condensation and precipitation 9. liquid, solid and gas 11. cooking, energy, farming, fun 12. bathroom(toilet,shower,bathtub,faucet)