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Dr. Tisha Shipley has been in education for over 23 years. She has taught Pre-K, Kindergarten, Gifted and Talented 3rd-6th Grades, Dr. Shipley was an elementary principal, a cheer coach, and was on faculty at Northwestern Oklahoma State University. She was the Director of Pre-School Programs at the University of Arkansas-Fort Smith and is currently a full time online early childhood Professor at the University of Arizona Global Campus! She has a passion for early childhood curriculum, and want to help you gain MORE knowledge and engaging curriculum ideas!

Recent Posts By This Blogger

Just like teaching gratitude, mindfulness is an intervention with a wide range of cognitive, psychological, and physical benefits. On a personal level, you will want to practice mindful strategies on your own to truly incorporate them into your...
Gratitude has been shown to improve mental health and boost relationships, and it is said to be a game changer in a person's life (Mindful Communication and Such, 2024). Galindo stated, "Research has found that more grateful people have more brain...
The early childhood profession is constantly evolving. Today, it is easier than ever to build a brand, showcase who you are as a professional, and put yourself out there as an innovative educator while continuing to learn. I am always trying to stay...
Professionalism as an early childhood educator is a vital component of being successful. There are many elements that encompass what a professional is, and in this article, we are going to address one piece of the puzzle. Having a professional...
Infants and toddlers are unique in their own way as they begin developing, growing, and learning—and it is no different for language development. Infants begin learning in the womb and can differentiate the family’s voices almost immediately. In...
Center time has just started in Miss Shipley’s Kindergarten classroom. In the housekeeping center the children are busy getting ready to open the “Class Store”. One boy is behind the register with play money and a calculator, two girls are wearing...
Hello to the 2023-2024 school year! It is here! Let’s make this your best school year yet! As this year begins, think of new ways to involve your families in the classroom and new ways to communicate and reach all people. Whether parents are...
Podcasts have become a new way of learning. As teachers, leaders, childcare providers, etc., we must commit to being lifelong learners. Today, it is easier than ever to learn by listening to colleagues, veterans, and even those new to the...
Back to school—it's here! There are many emotions and thoughts about returning to school: excitement, joy, pressure, sadness, and anxiety, to name a few. How you feel depends on your role—whether you're a first-year teacher, a veteran teacher, or...
As you begin your new school year, I wanted to share with you something that I did to involve, engaging and build relationships with families----I call them “Family Forums”.  I decided that Family Forums would not only become a normal part of...
