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Dr. Tisha Shipley has been in education for over 23 years. She has taught Pre-K, Kindergarten, Gifted and Talented 3rd-6th Grades, Dr. Shipley was an elementary principal, a cheer coach, and was on...
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Early Childhood Podcasts for Students and Teachers to Enhance Learning

Podcasts have become a new way of learning. As teachers, leaders, childcare providers, etc., we must commit to being lifelong learners. Today, it is easier than ever to learn by listening to colleagues, veterans, and even those new to the profession by turning on a podcast. A podcast allows you to listen and learn in the car, while you are working, at the gym, on an airplane, and even out on a walk. There are thousands of podcasts out in the world today, and when it comes to early childhood and working with children, there are some great ones.

Here are some you may want to try out:

Early Childhood Chatter

Drs. Shipley and Heald host a new professional, leader, or teacher on their show twice a month. They share tips, tricks, and insights from the education world.

Early Childhood Chatter on Spotify


Real Talk For Real Teachers

This is a podcast by Dr. Becky Bailey, the Conscious Discipline creator. 


Elevating Early Childhood 

Vanessa Levine believes in leveling the playing field and bridging the gap between the world of preschool, pre-k, and K-12 education.

Elevating Early Childhood Podcast Archives - Pre-K Pages


The Inspiring ECE Podcast

Marcia Nicole introduces you to topics in early childhood education that will enhance your practice and your life as an educator. 

The Inspiring Early Childhood Educator | a podcast by Marcia Nicole


Podcasts aren't just for adult learners; they can also be used effectively in classrooms with students. As a teacher, I'm always researching new ways to engage my students' imagination, enhance their listening and comprehension skills, and help them develop "brain movies" or mental imagery. This is where creativity, engagement, enrichment, and fun come into teaching! Podcasts offer numerous benefits for students: they build confidence, expose them to various genres, provide access to a wide range of subjects that cater to diverse interests, and, most importantly, engage students in literacy activities that foster a deeper interest in books and reading.

Preschool Music and Story Time

Nick Young knows children love to move and dance, so he provides high-energy, interactive songs, stories, and rhythm games.

Preschool Music & Story Time



There are three new shows on GoKidGo: Bobby WonderLucy Wow, and R.L. Stine’s Story Club! Each actor in these podcasts truly makes the story come to life. More new podcasts that will be coming soon are FloozevilleGoKidGo The ShowFamily Game Show, and Whale of a Tale. These podcasts make you smile, and some might scare you a bit, but they all have a great story for children and adults alike—I honestly have found myself listening to them solo! GoKidGo shares many wonderful educator resources for the podcasts that go along with the stories your children are listening to.  

Go Kid Go - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding


Story Time 

This podcast is for toddlers, preschoolers, young children aged 2-13, or the whole family. Inspiring stories for all children. 

Story Time Podcast | Free Listening on Podbean App


What will you do now? After exploring these podcasts, has your perspective shifted? Are you now considering using podcasts in your classroom or sharing them with your families? Maybe you're even thinking about starting your own podcast! Embrace something new. Take a leap of faith! Have fun, get engaged, continue learning, and keep sharing!