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Steve Haberlin is an assistant professor of education at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia, and author of Meditation in the College Classroom: A Pedagogical Tool to Help Students De-Stress, Focus, and Connect. His work focuses on the use of mindfulness and meditation practices in both k-12 and higher education settings. His workshop, "Mindfulness for Teachers," helps educators develop a personal practice to help with stress and anxiety and to be more present in their teaching and personal lives. Steve is also available for higher education workshops to help professors use brief meditation activities in class and for keynote presentations on mindfulness and meditation-related topics. For more information, contact Steve at [email protected].
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Recent Posts By This Blogger

Most of us have had Jane in our class. Shes focused. She learns fast~ finishes her work early.Shes a good sport~ willing to help other students in class. She runs errands. She completes enrichment worksheets.But if were honest with ourselves as...
I recently read a speech by billionaire investor Warren Buffett~ where he spoke about performance versus potential. Im paraphrasing here but he said he would rather hire a person~ who has a 200 horsepower engine and gets maximum output~ than hire a...
The student was stuck. Until now~ he had been breezing through his project~ making progress~ enjoying each moment.Until now.His teacher asked him to write a script for the instructional video he was creating. As a student in the schools gifted...
Time is a precious commodity in the classroom. There never seems to be enough of it.Therefore~ we should not only be careful how we use our time as teachers~ but also how we utilize time when it comes to students.Research shows that many higher-...
In the past year~ I have dedicated many of my blogs to the idea of innovation and creativity in the classroom. I am proud to announce that I will continue to share creative strategies for the classroom in a new venue called the Gifted and Enrichment...
Greetings~With the New Year in mind~ I wanted to get you thinking about some resolutions for the remainder of the school year--but with a twist. I want to suggest some "out of the box" resolutions that you may not normally consider but that could...
I was ready to quit on this kid. I know~ as teachers we are supposed to reach every child~ educate them all~ inspire them all to greatness.But I think this student hated meat least when we first met.She is a fifth-grader in the schools gifted...
So often~ young people today worship rock stars and athletes~ and the mainstream media creates heroes out of people who sing well or are born into royalty.While some of these stars have admirable qualities and their accomplishments noteworthy~ the...
In my experience~ parents can be your best friend or your worst enemy.As a teacher~ it really comes down to how you deal with them~ particularly in how you communicate with them and respond when they have questions or concerns.I never understood...
Bobby isnt the best student. He doesnt get all As. He is not always interested in what the teacher has to say. Socially~ hes awkward.However~ there is one thing Bobby loves~ and thats technologyand hes good at it. This boy wants to know everything...
