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Steve Haberlin is an assistant professor of education at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia, and author of Meditation in the College Classroom: A Pedagogical Tool to Help Students De-Stress, Focus, and Connect. His work focuses on the use of mindfulness and meditation practices in both k-12 and higher education settings. His workshop, "Mindfulness for Teachers," helps educators develop a personal practice to help with stress and anxiety and to be more present in their teaching and personal lives. Steve is also available for higher education workshops to help professors use brief meditation activities in class and for keynote presentations on mindfulness and meditation-related topics. For more information, contact Steve at [email protected].
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Recent Posts By This Blogger

The National Association for Gifted Children has stated that the Common Core standards are not enough for gifted students.In other words~ the Common Core provides students with the basic skills and thought process to be ready for college and the...
The idea for this post comes from an old Lego piece that lies on my desk.Its a black piece with eight notches. I have no idea what Lego kit it comes from~ nor do I care.But the piece will stay on my desk as a powerful reminder~ a reminder that we...
While I was attending a professional development workshop~ the trainer shared a social studies lesson he used with his class. With enthusiasm~ he described how he had groups of students decorate clay pots based on the Native American tribe they were...
Whetherdeserved or not~ gifted education has long been accused of being elitist. Some have claimed thatgifted students receive special treatment~ and that those children unable to pass entrance requirements to gifted programs~ fail to receive the...
You can only do so much.I wanted to expand an enrichment program I established at the school where I work~ but I just didnt have the man (or more accurately~ the lady power). With the help of five~ very loyal~ moms~ we had enrolled about 45...
Recently~ after giving a presentation on gifted education to students at the University of South Florida~ one of them asked about a topic that often scares aspiring educators away from working with gifted children.The dreaded gifted parent.Yes~...
I just had to e-mail this childs parents.Have you ever had a student do something that blew your mind~ and you just had to tell his or her parents?Im not talking about bad behavior (we could dedicate a series of posts to that~ I know) but rather~...
As the story goes~ little Gillians school life was a mess. Poor tests scores~ shabby work~ disorganized. Worse~ she couldnt sit still. After receiving a call from the school~ Gillians mom took her to a psychologist. After interviewing the mom and...
Traditionally~ the term gifted was considered a noun~ rather than a verb.Being gifted was something you are~ not something you do.That theory was rattled when Dr. Joseph Renzulli of the University of Connecticut questioned whether gifted was...
This week, while many kids are swimming, sleeping in late, and spending too many hours on Call of Duty and other video games, there is a group of 50 children arriving early, excited about learning and creatively producing.I have the good fortune of...
