Imagine the Schoolhouse of the 21st Century!
"This country's system of schooling was developed largely during the Industrial Age to prepare students for a workplace characterized by sitting in straight rows and performing repetitive tasks under close supervision," says Internet educator David Warlick. "It has to change." Learn how Warlick's New Century School House project offers you a chance to help design education's future. Included: Tips on designing your own classroom of the future.
Florida Fails Children of Miami-Dade County
Our anticipated gains in the number of foreign-born students alone will require us to build one elementary school a month just to keep up, Roger C. Cuevas, Miami-Dade County school superintendent, told Education World. But a Florida grand jury recently found that the states formula that funds new school construction doesnt recognize the countys unique needs created by its large immigrant population. Legislators counter the grand jury's finding, questioning whether Miami-Dade has been wisely spending the money it gets from the state.
NEA Calls for Modernizing Nation's Schools
A National Education Association report calls for $322 billion to modernize the nation's schools. A bipartisan bill proposes loaning $24.8 billion in interest-free bonds for states and school systems to repair and renovate deteriorating and overcrowded schools.
New Standards Should Help Children in Noisy Classrooms
For more than two decades, research has established a link between noise and poor academic progress. New standards for classroom acoustics will be the first step in the effort to change all that. Taking control of noise in the classroom and in other places in the community is part of International Noise Awareness Day --- April 12, 2000.
Detroit School Repair Program: A Model for Others
A marathon ten-week effort this summer resulted in some major improvements to Detroit's public schools. But the effort could not have succeeded without the cooperation and involvement of the city's business community. Organizations from Northwest Airlines to the Detroit Pistons provided personnel to see the program through in this renovation blitz that could serve as a model for other cities and towns large and small.
School Building Boom: BUILD Before the Schools Go BOOM!
This week, experts Paul Abramson and Joe Agron share with Education World readers their observations and predictions about the current building boom in America's schools. Included: On-line resources to help educators make a case for school construction or renovation.
Hard Hat Area: The Deteriorating State of School Buildings
The spending bill passed last month by Congress didn't include the monies President Clinton had asked for to address the crumbling state of America's school infrastructure. Education World examines the problem, offers resources for school administrators, and shares news of what some communities are doing to put their schools on "firm foundations."
Fighting for Better Indoor Air Quality in Schools
Is the air in your school building healthful to breathe -- or is it making people sick? If your school suffers from "sick" air, you can take action.
Living With the Permanence of Portables
Using portable classrooms to relieve school overcrowding is a solution heralded -- and hated. It's all a matter of attitude, some teachers say.
Have You Heard? Noise Can Effect Learning!
A handful of research studies confirm that noise has a negative effect on a child's ability to learn. Also, "noise education" should be part of the school curriculum; kids should know how to protect their ears from harm.