Martin Luther King Day
Join Education World this January as we celebrate Martin Luther King Day. We have articles, lesson ideas, books, activities, and much more -- all to help you meet your holiday needs.
Martin Luther King Jr., teaches many lessons
The life of American hero Martin Luther King Jr., offers many teaching opportunities. In these lessons, Education World presents cross-curricular and cross-grade lessons teachers can use to share King's life and legacy with students. Included: More than 20 lessons.
Happy birthday, MLK!
Just in time to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday -- activities across the grades for learning about the life of the famous civil rights leader.
Schools celebrate Martin Luther King and his dream
Each January many schools celebrate the life of Martin Luther King by bringing to life his words and his dream. Learn what some schools, including three that bear his name, do to keep the meaning of this holiday foremost in the minds of their students.
Teaching tolerance
Martin Luther King dreamed of a world more tolerant that the one he lived in. These five lessons are designed to teach students about Kings dream of tolerance. Included: Lessons on stereotyping, appreciating differences, recognizing how words can hurt (or heal), and more.
Some R-E-S-P-E-C-T (lessons) just for you!
Aretha and Rodney are always talking about respect; now it's Ed World's turn! If your students lack it or could stand to learn more about it, we offer five lessons this week to get them talking and thinking about R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
Outgroup experiment reveals bias, stereotyping
Marcie Pachter, who teaches at Palm Beach Community College in Lake Worth, Florida, submitted this week's lesson, which includes an activity to let students experience the bias and stereotyping often experienced by people who are different. (Grades 6-12)
Heroic activities to celebrate heroes
Everyone has a hero -- someone to look up to or admire. Education World offers ten lessons to get students thinking about their heroes. Included: Students create a picture book about their heroes, develop holidays honoring their favorite heroes, create memorials for animal heroes, and more.
I Have a Dream
Martin Luther King Jr.'s words are brought to life in this book from Scholastic Press.
Stamp on Black History
A site based on the US Postal Service's collection of Black History-related stamps. Information includes biographies,activities and art.
Books celebrate Black History
Explore the Black experience with this handful of titles which run the genre gamut from history to biography to poetry.
See additional resources on Education World's Black History Month resource page.
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