Raise your hand if you love a good podcast! I know I do! With long hours in my car, podcasts make traffic feel lighter. Working from home, I usually have one playing throughout the day. There are thousands to choose from, sparking interests, offering new information, and broadening worldviews!
As a teacher, I'm always exploring ways to engage students in using their imagination, listening, and comprehension skills, while helping them form vivid mental images or "brain movies." This is where creativity, engagement, enrichment, and fun thrive in teaching! Podcasts offer numerous benefits for students: boosting confidence, exposing them to diverse genres and subjects tailored to unique interests, and importantly, fostering literacy activities that cultivate their love for books and reading.
Podcasts are typically free and can complement classroom activities while reducing screen time, which has become increasingly dominant in children's daily routines (Godsey, 2018). They can also be enjoyed at home, bridging the gap between school and home life. Children are adept multitaskers, able to listen to captivating stories while tackling chores like washing dishes or mowing the lawn.
I have recently had the honor and opportunity to meet with R.L. Stine and Patrick Carman, two American novelists best known for Goosebumps, Skeleton Creek, and Thirteen Days to Midnight. Patrick has partnered with a variety of people including R.L. Stine and Ariel Winter (from Modern Family) to launch FREE podcasts on GoKidGo. These podcasts are amazing and engaging, and you will want to start using them in your classroom or at home with your children as soon as you can!
Carman's primary goal in launching these podcasts is to foster a love for reading and books among children. As teachers, we all aspire for our students to embrace the transformative world of reading. R.L. Stine and Patrick Carman achieve this through their writing, and now, the podcasts they share are equally remarkable!
There are three new shows on GoKidGo: Bobby Wonder, Lucy Wow, and R.L. Stine’s Story Club! Each actor in these podcasts truly makes the story come to life. More new podcasts that will be coming soon are Floozeville, GoKidGo The Show, Family Game Show, and Whale of a Tale. These podcasts make you smile, and some might scare you a bit, but they all have a great story for children and adults alike—I honestly have found myself listening to them solo! GoKidGo shares many wonderful educator resources for the podcasts that go along with the stories your children are listening to. Sign up here to NEVER miss an episode.
After visiting GoKidGo, you'll be eager to introduce your students and children at home to the site, where they can listen to podcasts that serve as a gateway back to reading. Each story captivates children with a new adventure. They'll retell the story, share with peers, learn new vocabulary, and ignite their enthusiasm for books and reading!
R.L. and Patrick were on the Early Childhood Chatter Podcast talking about the launch of GoKidGo. Take a minute to listen to what they have to offer!
Godsey, M. (2018). The Benefits of Using Podcasts in the Classroom.
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