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Bubbles Galore

Teacher Lesson


  • Mathematics
    Applied Math



Brief Description

Students blow bubbles, measure them, predict their staying power, and graph the results.



  • predict how long their bubbles will stay "alive."
  • graph the results of the bubble competition.


bubble, graph, math, predict

Materials Needed

  • bubble solution
  • graph paper

Lesson Plan

Students begin the lesson by filling in an experiment procedure plan. The plan should include
  • a list of materials used
  • the purpose of the experiment
  • a prediction about how long (in seconds) bubbles will "survive" before they pop
  • experiment procedures
  • results and conclusions

When the students write their predictions, have them predict the longest amount of time a bubble will last. Teachers should provide students with a graph. The students will graph how long their bubbles last. The best way to handle this would be to have the students pick one bubble and count the seconds until it hits the ground or choose five bubbles and graph the results of those five. Then have students graph the results of their classmates' bubbles or their own five bubbles.


After the activity, discuss the results and fill in the conclusion part of the experiment.

Submitted By

Kellie Slaughter, Belmont Hills Elementary School, Smyrna, Georgia

Originally published 5/31/2002
Last updated 03/18/2007

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