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PingPong App Screen

App Review: PingPong

App Name: PingPong

Company Name: Appasia

​Where to find the app: In the iTunes Store

Cost: Free


Clean, simple, and accurate, PingPong delivers in-class responses to any type of question that you could ask. PingPong delivers feedback quickly and can be linked to your Evernote app. The app is a useful tool when you want an answer from students to test their background knowledge, so you can scaffold the lesson properly. You'll also be able to figure out if students are paying attention when you give them a pop quiz using the app.

Additionally, you can send students images as you're teaching and focusing on another image in a whole class setting--so there are opportunities to differentiate instruction using PingPong. Results are calculated automatically, and can be viewed in a variety of ways, including graphs for surveys and more.

Make sure to look for the green and white PingPong logo with a "P" in the iTunes store, as there are many other apps with similar names crowding the search.



Note: Occasionally, Education World is contacted by edtech developers to conduct product reviews. The developer of this product compensated Education World for this review.