Title: Japanese Arts Festival
Topics: Japan, arts, origami, haiku, shodo, ikebana
Subject: Language Arts, Fine Arts, Social Sciences
Grades: PreK-2, 3-5
URL: http://cte.jhu.edu/techacademy/fellows/Kirby/webquest/template.html
Overview: Students work in teams of five to learn about the Japanese art forms of origami, haiku, shodo, and ikebana. Teams use their investigations to create a Japanese arts festival with another class. First, students are grouped according to their art interests. Then, team members assume the roles of Leader, Writer, Reader, Timekeeper, and Encourager, and develop presentations about their chosen art forms. Teams may create their presentations in modes that they think will interest other students, such as posters, slide shows, short plays, or puppet shows. The presentations, however, must include samples of the art forms and "how-to" demonstrations of the processes. Students conclude the project by writing letters to their teacher about their presentations.
Notes: Please note the following changes and suggestions related to the art form resources noted in the Process section.
The link for Paper crane no longer works. Try Make a Paper Crane instead. This resource includes step-by-step directions plus an instructional video.
The link for Jumping Frog has moved. Click here to go to the new site for this resource. Students may also try Origami Jumping Frog.
The sites noted below are available via archived versions of the Web pages. Click the links to go to those resources.
The sites noted below are available via archived versions of the Web pages. Click the links to go those resources.
The link for samples of shodo has moved. Click here to go to a new site for this resource.
Click here to go to the new site for this resource.
Article by Lois Lewis
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