Brief Description
Students research a system of the body, write questions and answers on game cards in Word, and then play the using a game board template from Word.
Students will:Keywords
human body, anatomy
Lesson Plan
Before beginning this lesson with students, you'll need to create a template for the game cards. To do so, follow the instructions in the Make a Concentration Game in Word techtorial. In that techtorial, you'll learn how to create game cards that can be used in this lesson plan. When you have completed the techtorial and created a six-card template, save a copy to each student computer. To save the document as a template (so students can open, edit, and print game cards without altering the original document), go to File>Save As and choose Document Template (.dot) from the Save as type pull-down menu.
This lesson works best at the end of a unit on the human body, when students have acquired some basic knowledge about the various body systems (circulatory, digestive, etc.). Begin the lesson by explaining to students that they are going to play a game, but that first they must make the game pieces and the game board. Then complete the steps below with students to make the game cards:
Whether you decide to have students play the game in groups or as an entire class will determine the number of game boards you need. If you're using just one board, you might choose to have it ready before the lesson, or you might have the group or groups that finish first make the board(s). To create the game board(s), go to Jefferson County's Word Game Boards, and click the first download link in the middle of the page to save a Word copy of the game board to your computer. You also might want to make paper dice and game tokens. (Note: The game cards made by students will not fit in the spaces allotted on the game board, but that won't affect play.)
To play the game: Students play cooperatively in their groups. A player from one group rolls a die and the group is read a question from one of the game cards (not its own!). The group then must agree on a single answer. If that answer is correct, the group moves its token ahead on the game board the number of spaces indicated on the die. If the answer is incorrect, the group doesn't move its token. Play rotates from group to group. (Each group only gets one question and one possible move per turn.) The group that reaches the end first wins!
Students are evaluated on theirLesson Plan Source
Education World
Submitted By
Lorrie Jackson
National Standards
NS.K-4.3 Life Science
GRADES 5 - 8
NS.5-8.3 Life Science