Education World has a huge collection of templates on our Tools & Templates page. You'll be able to find most everything you need there. This page shares some other sources for templates.
Most award certificates, student progress updates, seating charts and other templates are available as word processing documents. You can modify and individualize those before saving or printing them.
Other templates are designed to be printed and used "as is." You can make modifications, such as adding a specific name or date, after printing the product. Most non-modifiable documents are created in PDF (portable document format), a file format that has the advantage of maintaining all the formatting of the original document.
You can find many templates for forms, documents, letters, and classroom visual aids -- somewhere -- in either a word processing document or PDF form. Whether you're looking for a printable handwriting guide or a modifiable IEP form, you'll most likely find what you need at one of the sites listed below.
As you select the resources that best serve your needs, be aware that, although all the templates discussed here are free and none of the sites require registration, some sites will ask you to register. If you don't choose to do so, simply click Cancel when the registration window opens, and download will continue. Note that sometimes the registration window opens behind the browser window -- and you cannot see it. If a download seems particularly slow, look for the word Enter in the task bar at the bottom of your screen and click it to bring the registration window to the front. Then either register or cancel to continue downloading the document.
Forms and Letters
This link takes you to a page on Vickie Blackwell's site for teachers. The site does not exactly offer forms and letter templates. Instead, it gives you the tools to make your own using Microsoft Word.
Forms and Testing
First-grade teacher Jill Perkins provides a number of useful -- and sometimes hard-to-find -- templates, including a weekly lesson plan, ABC flash cards, a handwriting practice page, a 100s chart, and a classroom grading aid. You will find most templates in both non-modifiable (PDF) and modifiable (Microsoft Word) formats. The site also includes templates for Dolch flash cards for first, second and third grade.
Many of the templates found at the sites mentioned in this section are PDF files. To view these files, you'll need Acrobat Reader, which you can download free from the Adobe Acrobat site.
Laura Candler's File Cabinet
North Carolina educator Laura Candler created this extensive selection of printable teacher resources, cataloged under easily accessed headings. Odds and Ends, for example, offers a classroom incident report form, an e-mail project permission form and more. Graphic Organizers includes such commonly used organizers as a sequencing map. You will also find an assortment of student worksheets for all subject areas and for a variety of learning center activities.
Printables and Worksheets
A to Z Teacher Stuff offers a variety of printable worksheets, including 100s grids, shape books, maps, a metric converter worksheet, and more.
Teaching Extras for the Classroom
ABC Teach provides lots of printable teacher resources, including hall passes, homework reminders, flash cards, assignment forms, thank-you notes, and more.
School Forms Tool Kit
Family provides a bus change form, an authorization for dispensing medication form, a field trip permission form, and an all-purpose school note. These printable forms are designed for parents, but teachers can use them, too.
If you're looking for printable (but not modifiable) outline maps to use with your students, check out Outline Maps from Houghton Mifflin's Education Place or Maps from ABC Teach.
Finally, be sure to check out Education World's constantly growing collection of printable, editable, and highly customizable Teacher Tools and Templates.
Article by Linda Starr
Education World®
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Last updated: 10/3/2016