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Tech in the Classroom:

ProProfs Quiz Maker

What is itProProfs is an advanced quiz maker offering more features than you might expect from a free product.

pro profsHow does it work? ProProfs provides all of the tools and templates required to create a test or quiz online. By following the prompts through the ProProfs Web site, teachers can select questions, then specify their format and how they will be graded.

How hard is it to use? Not difficult at all. The entire interface is very intuitive, and anyone with basic Web skills should have no problem navigating the quiz-building tools.

Once a test or quiz is created, the teacher receives a specific URL where it resides online. An embed code ensures that the test or quiz can easily be placed on a school Web site for secure access.

How well does it work? This is a case of a product doing exactly what it says it does. The interface is simple, the product is completely customizable, and there is no charge to use it.

How do I use it in the classroom? The online functionality is handy for teachers who may struggle to keep straight individual students’ progress. ProProfs automatically tallies test and quiz results and presents them for teacher review. Additionally, teachers can print paper versions of tests and quizzes for traditional administration.

Related resources

Read about other products featured in the Tech in the Classroom series.

Tech in the Classroom is a recurring feature that examines widely available technology, software and gadgets and how they might be used in a school setting.


Article by Jason Tomaszewski, EducationWorld Associate Editor
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