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Tech in the Classroom:


What is it?    Diigo is a cloud-based program that allows users to highlight, annotate and save entire Web pages for use later.

How does it work? By installing the Diigo toolbar to their browser, users can highlight the text on any Web site. They also can attach notes, snap pictures and tag images. These alterations are stored in Diigo’s cloud, so that when the user returns to the site, all of the changes remain visible.

Because changes are kept in the cloud, users can view them when surfing via any mobile device on which they’ve installed the Diigo app. There is an app for Android devices as well as iOS one.diigo

How hard is it to use? It’s not very hard at all. After registering an account, users simply install the toolbar. All of the controls are intuitive—to highlight a paragraph on the screen, simply click the highlighter icon and begin.

How well does it work? Everything is seamlessly integrated, so all of the changes and annotations are readily available across Diigo platforms.

How do I use it in the classroom? Diigo can be extremely handy when teachers are using Web sites with their classes. If the teacher displays a site via projector and then highlights a passage or inserts a note, those changes will remain for future classes. Students also can view the altered Web sites via Diigo-equipped school devices.

Related resources

Read about other products featured in the Tech in the Classroom series.

Tech in the Classroom is a recurring feature that examines widely available technology, software and gadgets and how they might be used in a school setting.


Article by Jason Tomaszewski, EducationWorld Associate Editor
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