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Site Review: Who Were the Vikings?

Site URL:…Vikings

Content:  This site offers everything educators could want for conducting a lesson on Vikings with elementary-level students.

Design: Consistent with the rest of the BBC education sites, there are plenty of adorable images depicting Vikings and the various tools they used. The primary content box offers several lessons on Viking life, with worksheets and testing materials located just beneath it.

vikingsReview: With all their murdering and pillaging, Vikings can be a tricky topic to cover in the classroom. This site makes it much easier by putting the age of the Vikings into a historically accurate—yet sanitized—package.

Here, students can learn about the Vikings’ nautical traditions as well as their writing histories and the motivations behind some of their more famous attacks. While this is a cleaned-up history, it remains accurate. Conquests and pirating are covered, but in ways that are completely classroom and age-appropriate.

Teachers will love that the site offers several interactive activities as well as testing materials. All of the heavy lifting has been done, so that educators can focus on the material and working with their students to understand it.

Bottom Line:  Any elementary-level lesson on Vikings could use a dose of historically accurate fun from this site.


Article by Jason Tomaszewski, EducationWorld Associate Editor
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