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 Site Review: NASA Education


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Content:  This is a collection of teacher and student resources all focusing on the many scientific branches of the NASA tree.

Design:  The site design is good, albeit typical. Several main sections feature the same design and focus on grade-specific content. A main scroller presents the three most heavily promoted stories on the site, and content blocks surround it, offering even more materials.

nasa Review: The content is coming from NASA, so you know it’s of high quality. All of the space-related resources succeed in presenting the subject in a way that students, regardless of grade level, can digest.

What is surprising, however, is the diversity of subjects covered. The teaching materials go well beyond space exploration and delve into mathematics, weather and ecology. While at first glance it appears to be a site solely for science teachers, NASA Education is equally useful for teachers of many other subjects.

Bottom Line:  The classroom materials are excellent, and their diversity will blow you away.



Article by Jason Tomaszewski, EducationWorld Associate Editor
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