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Site Review: Fluency 21

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Content:  A 21st-century professional development site, Fluency21 offers new ways to think about the teaching profession and new techniques for meeting the needs of students.

Design: The site and all of the related materials look great; every detail looks clean and polished. Dynamic imagery abounds, and links shuttle users from page to page with ease.

Fluency 21Review:  Fluency21, looking at the current state of education, concludes that students have a whole new way of thinking and learning which many educators are unable to understand, and which most schools are unable to accommodate. To help, this group has created a collaborative initiative to develop educational resources that make learning relevant to current, everyday life.

Fluency21 resources include best-selling books, videos of popular keynote addresses and a cloud-app called the Fluency21 Unit Planner. All of these materials come with a fairly steep price tag—keynotes can run as much as $69.95, and books are priced at $24.95. If educators have the means, however, the content is worth it.

Bottom Line:  Looking to explore 21st-century classroom approaches, or need a shot in the PD arm? Check out Fluency21.


Article by Jason Tomaszewski, EducationWorld Associate Editor
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