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Site Review: EyeJot

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Content: Eyejot offers anyone the ability to create and receive video messages in a self-contained, spam-free environment on the Internet.

Design: Crisp and clean, EyeJot’s simple design makes for easy use. There is a lot of white, but the site’s judicious use of color reduces distraction.

EyeJotReview: Users can start using this Web-based tool immediately with any browser, on any platform. Eyejot even features built-in support for iTunes (and iOS devices), mobile devices and social networks. Joining Eyejot takes just moments, and there are three account levels available: free, PRO and PRO Plus. Naturally, the more features offered in an account, the more expensive it is.

The brilliance of EyeJot is that it eliminates nearly everything that people don’t like about online communications. Gone are emails and their ineffectiveness at conveying tone, as are desktop apps that can be annoying to install. Lastly, this Web tool does away with the complicated logistics of making sure that everyone involved is online at the same time, which is required for apps like Go To Meeting and Skype. Instead, EyeJot lets users record a video message and disseminate it directly from the Web site. The fluid interface enables a quality message that recipients will have no trouble viewing.

Bottom Line: For catching absent students up to speed, there’s no better online tool than EyeJot.


Article by Jason Tomaszewski, EducationWorld Associate Editor
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