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 Site Review: Exploratorium


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Content:  A renowned museum in San Francisco, the Exploratorium is known as the museum for science, art and human perceptions. Its site makes the best of its exhibits easily accessible.

Design:  The site’s imagery has an appealing, artistic look, reflecting the Exploratorium’s cutting-edge art and science exploration. Too often, edgy sites are difficult to nExploratoriumavigate. That is not the case here, as everything is easy to find.

Review: Teachers will find a ton of useful content. Unlike other museum sites that make visiting the museum a prerequisite for using classroom materials, the Exploratorium’s resources can be used independently of an in-person visit.

An added benefit is the inclusion of professional development content. This material, created by scientists for science teachers, is a unique and welcome find in a museum Web site.

Bottom Line:  Even if they can’t visit the museum in person, science teachers won’t want to miss the Exploratorium’s site.


Article by Jason Tomaszewski, EducationWorld Social Media Editor
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