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Site Review: Natural History Museum (London)

history educationSite URL: NHM.AC.UK

Content: The museum is a world-renowned center of research, and its online home reflects this reputation by offering teachers and students a wealth of resources for studying the natural world.

Design: Too often, museum sites tend to be little more than brochures for the venues. Thankfully, the Natural History Museum site features plenty of photos and dynamic resources. Users will navigate with ease, thanks to a tidy primary navigation bar that runs across the top of every page.

NHM LondonReview: The site provides a robust online experience for students and educators. For teachers, the museum’s galleries, events, online videos and activities support a number of classroom needs. Educators who enter a keyword (and select the subject, grade level and type of resource) instantly encounter a list of materials.

In addition to accessing the regular classroom items housed here, teachers can sign up to receive the museum’s newsletter. It contains the latest news about museum events, activities and resources that can support the teaching of science and geography.

Bottom Line:If you teach any topics related to the natural world, make the Natural History Museum site a regular stop.


Article by Jason Tomaszewski, EducationWorld Associate Editor
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