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 Site Review: Carnegie Science Center


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Content:  This is the online home of the Pittsburgh area’s famed Carnegie Science Center and its teacher resources center. The center is known for pioneering STEM-related programs and houses the Robotics Hall of Fame.

Design:  Unlike some other museum sites, the Carnegie site opts for a fairly staid design with few images. Content appears in a matter-of-fact way consistent with its science and math pedigree. A logical layout places navigation and other links across the top of the page and in content boxes along the sides.

Carnegie Science Center Review: The Carnegie Science Center has built its reputation on the STEM disciplines and robotics, so it’s no surprise that these topics are the primary focus of the classroom materials. Teachers will find downloadable lesson plans that are fun while also meeting strict STEM requirements.

Like most museum Web sites, there is plenty of material here that requires a visit to the actual Science Center. While terrific for students in western Pennsylvania, it is not so convenient for everyone else. The site falls a bit short in this regard, offering a limited amount of material that can be used outside of the Science Center’s back yard.

Bottom Line:  For educators in the Pittsburgh area, this site is a no-brainer. For everyone else, there is enough useful lesson-planning content to warrant an occasional visit. 



Article by Jason Tomaszewski, EducationWorld Associate Editor
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