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Microsoft Enters Tablet Market

SurfaceNo, that image to the left is not an iPad surrounded by SmartCovers. That is the Microsoft Surface. Not to be confused with the giant table-sized computer the company released a while ago, the Surface is Microsoft’s entry into the tablet market.

Attempting to take a page out of Apple’s playbook on several levels, Microsoft revealed the Surface during a mystery press event in California. What those in attendance saw was an iPad knock-off that is heavier, boasts shorter batter life and an inferior chip. To be fair, the Surface does have an impressive cover that contains a fully functioning keyboard, but that is an accessory that must be purchased.

Microsoft has two versions of the Surface in the works, each for a very different audience. There’s a “consumer version” that will run Windows RT and a “business version” that will run Windows 8.

Microsoft isn’t saying exactly when the Surface will be available for purchase, or how much it will cost, but experts are predicting the “consumer version” to fall in the $500 price range with the “business version” to come in at over $1,000. The pricier version does have better overall tech specs than its cheaper brother, but that improved performance comes at the cost of weight and, of course, cost.


Gifted Student Report Cards—Every State...

Historically, gifted education has battled to receive the same attention as other educational areas.


A Different, “Looser” Look at Classroom...

I know what you’re thinking when you read this blog title: What? Loosen up? My students are not focusing, not listening, getting out of their seats—I need to tighten up!

But stay with me. I’d like to share a different perspective, one that involves how we view students’ behavior and interactions in the classroom.

Recently, I had the opportunity to travel with a group of student teachers to Costa Rica for a study abroad program. The itinerary included spending time in public...

Brain Factoids for Brain Awareness Month


Daredevil Raccoon Climbs 25 Story...

Perhaps, you may find this of interest to use with students as a possible reading passage and/or interactive notebook activity.

Tips to Support ELL Students in the...

Supporting English Language Learners has become a growing need and concern within classrooms as the culture of our country grows and evolves. Below we provide some support tips and tool suggestions for including ELL students in your classrooms.

According to the U.S. Department of Education, one in five school-aged children speak a language other than English at home – a figure that has...

Leaders of USA and North Korea to Meet...

Founded in 1948 by Kim II-Sung, North Korea is officially called the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. About the size of the state of Pennsylvania, it has been nicknamed the Hermit Kingdom because it is a country that few from the outside world have visited. The leader of North Korea and the President of the United States are meeting for the first time in Singapore. The date for this historic meeting is June 12th....

The Global Search for Education:...

“Through rapid genetic sequencing, scientists can identify many different strains of Borrelia burgdorferi as well as new tick-borne microbial infections, such as Borrelia miyamotoi, Borrelia mayonii, and the Heartland virus.”  — Brian Fallon 

Most likely, you or someone you know has been affected by Lyme...

The Global Search for Education – How...

In January 2018, advocates for data privacy celebrated when the Chinese government released a new national standard on the protection of personal information, which contains more comprehensive and onerous requirements than even the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation, per analysis by some...

NGSS in Elementary: Incorporating...

Next Generation Science Standards are designed to give students a foundational science education that can serve them throughout their schooling and into their careers as adults. We’ve taken a dive into ways to incorporate science into literacy instruction with some fantastic book collections from Steps to Literacy.

