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Summer Video Fun: Three Quickie TEDEd Lessons

Looking for a little edu-tainment to break up the summer monotony? TEDEd videos are a great way to engage kids and prevent the dreaded "summer slide."

These three are perfect for the summer months:

The Loathsome, Lethal Mosquito
Besides the annoying buzzing and biting, mosquito-borne diseases like malaria kill over a million people each year (plus horses, dogs and cats). So shouldn't we just get rid of them? Rose Eveleth shares why scientists aren't sure.

Watch the video.

Making Waves
The constant motion of our oceans represents a vast and complicated system involving many different drivers. Sasha Wright explains the physics behind one of those drivers -- the concentration gradient.

Watch the video.

Why Do We Have to Wear Sunscreen?
Wrinkle-causing UVA rays and burn-inducing UVBs can pose a serious risk to your health (and good looks). So what can you do? Kevin P. Boyd makes the case to slap on some physical or chemical SPF daily.

Watch the video.


Article by Celine Provini, EducationWorld Editor

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