This week in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math news, facts about math reveal the subject is a big determinant of future success.
eSchoolNews compiled six math facts from Cengage Learning that remind us of just how important math is for the future success of today’s students.
According to Cengage Learning, eight of the top 10 jobs today require some kind of STEM skill.
In addition, the ability to excel at high school math is a good indicator of future success— only 27 percent of students in a remedial course will go on to earn a Bachelor’s degree, the article says.
The article also looks at what students want and need out of math education, an especially relevant topic considering 76 percent of students consider math difficult.
Read the full story.
Did You Know: Buildings Play a Major Role in Climate Change?
In a post for the National Center for Science Education blog, Eric Teicholz, chairman of IFMA’s sustainability Strategic Advisory Group, discusses how much of a role buildings play in climate change.
"Buildings play a major role in the consumption of energy and as a result, greenhouse gas emissions. Currently in the U.S., buildings use almost 75% of the total electricity consumed, the vast majority of which comes from burning fossil fuels,” Tiecholz says.
According to Tiecholz, in order to make reduce the size of the carbon footprint created by the country’s buildings, education is incredibly important as nearly half of America’s current facilities management workforce set to retire.
Encouraging students to be interested in this role, Tiecholz says, should be a national focus.
"What we need to convey to students is that some of the greatest actions we can take on climate change are right here in our homes, schools, and offices. We can show them that you don’t have to be a politician, scientist, or activist to reduce their community’s carbon footprint.”
Minecraft:Education Edition to be Tried by Educators This June
Microsoft is offering free trial versions of Minecraft: Education Edition to educators this June. The company hopes to use the summer months to use feedback from educators to perfect the education version of one of the world’s most popular games.
’Root’ the Robot Helps Kids Code
’Root’ the Robot is becoming a big presence in classrooms across America where students are learning computer science.
Root is a perfect tool for classrooms looking to get students interested in computer science.
“Scanners dot its bottom, bumpers line its sides, and there’s a touch interface on top. Root knows when it’s on a magnetic surface. A little holder for a dry-erase marker sits dead center on the bot, which can draw on a whiteboard and erase it, too,” said Wired.
Math Teachers More Likely to Use Instructional Materials Aligned with State Standards
A recent survey over over 2,500 teachers found that math teachers are more likely to use instructional materials aligned to state standards, which in 42 states are the Common Core Standards.
Math teachers reported more use of materials recommended through state standards, as well as were more likely to say that district and state guidance informed their use of materials,” a study from the RAND Corporation found.